@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Both define basically the same pipeline, consisting of the following stages and
* Check Markdown syntax
* Check files have no trailing whitespace and are UTF-8 encoded
It is important to note that both images set the variable `GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE`, which means that when the repositories are cloned/fetched, the files hosted using Git LFS will not be downloaded. An example on how to explicitely fetch the files from LFS can be found in the https://git.code.tecnalia.com/tecnalia_robotics/common_config/blob/e93dbe6379d94e6a895a33c59bf17ccab26eacf9/.gitlab-ci.yml#L132[common_config repository].
== Custom `rosdep` definitions
Custom `rosdep` definitions for the packages hosted in our internal debian repository are declared in link:rosdistro/rosdep_tecnalia.yaml[].