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# GitLab CI template for Maven

This project implements a generic GitLab CI template for [Maven](

It provides several features, usable in different modes (by configuration).

## Usage

In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`:

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  - project: 'to-be-continuous/maven'
    ref: '2.3.0'
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    file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-maven.yml'

## Global configuration

The Maven template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.

| Name                  | description                            | default value     |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `MAVEN_IMAGE`         | The Docker image used to run Maven <br/>:warning: **set the version required by your project** | `maven:latest` |
| `MAVEN_PROJECT_DIR`   | Maven projet root directory | `.` |
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| `MAVEN_CFG_DIR`       | The Maven configuration directory      | `.m2`             |
| `MAVEN_OPTS`          | [Global Maven options]( | `-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=${MAVEN_CFG_DIR}/repository -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Djava.awt.headless=true` |
| `MAVEN_CLI_OPTS`      | Additional [Maven options]( used on the command line | `--batch-mode --errors --fail-at-end --show-version -DinstallAtEnd=true -DdeployAtEnd=true` |
### About `$MAVEN_CFG_DIR`
This variable is used to define the Maven configuration directory. It is used for 2 purposes:

* in case a Maven settings file (`settings.xml`) is found, the template automatically uses it (using the `-s` option on command line),
* the cache policy declares the `${MAVEN_CFG_DIR}/repository` directory as cached (not to download Maven dependencies over and over again).
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If you have a good reason to do differently, you'll have to override the `MAVEN_CLI_OPTS` variable as well as the [`cache`]( policy.

## Jobs

### `mvn-build` job

The Maven template features a job `mvn-build` that performs **build and tests** at once.
This stage is performed in a single job for **optimization** purpose (it saves time) and also
for test jobs dependency reasons (some test jobs such as SONAR analysis have a dependency on test results).

It uses the following variable:

| Name                  | description                              | default value     |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `MAVEN_BUILD_ARGS`    | Maven arguments for the build & test job | `org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent verify org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:report` |

#### About Code Coverage

With its default arguments, the GitLab CI template for Maven forces the use of [JaCoCo Maven Plugin](
to compute code coverage during unit tests execution.

In addition it [makes the necessary](
to integrate code coverage stats into your GitLab project: [report badge](
and viewable in merge requests.

If yo want to fix the JaCoCo plugin version or tweak the default configuration, you may have to configure the
[JaCoCo Maven Plugin]( in your `pom.xml`, but be aware of the

* do not declare JaCoCo executions for `prepare-agent` and `report` goals otherwise then would be ran twice during
  unit tests (not necessarily with the expected configuration). If you really need to do so anyway, you'll have to
  override the `$MAVEN_BUILD_ARGS` variable to remove explicit invocation to JaCoCo goals.
* make sure the `report` goal computes a CSV report, that is used by the Maven template to compute the global coverage stat.

More info:

* [Maven Surefire Plugin](
* [`surefire:test` parameters](

### SonarQube analysis job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs a SonarQube analysis of your code.

It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                            | default value     |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `SONAR_URL`              | SonarQube server url            | _none_ (disabled) |
| :lock: `SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN`| SonarQube authentication [token]( (depends on your authentication method) | _none_ |
| :lock: `SONAR_LOGIN`     | SonarQube login (depends on your authentication method)                | _none_ |
| :lock: `SONAR_PASSWORD`  | SonarQube password (depends on your authentication method)             | _none_ |
| `SONAR_BASE_ARGS`        | SonarQube [analysis arguments]( | `sonar:sonar${SONAR_URL} -Dsonar.links.homepage=${CI_PROJECT_URL}${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/pipelines -Dsonar.links.issue=${CI_PROJECT_URL}/-/issues` |
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| :lock: `SONAR_GITLAB_TOKEN` | GitLab [access token]( with `api` scope. When set, activates the [Sonar GitLab plugin]( integration. | _none_ |
| `SONAR_BRANCH_ANALYSIS_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable automatic [Pull Request Analysis]( and [Branch Analysis](  | _none_ (enabled) |
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| `SONAR_GITLAB_ARGS`      | Extra arguments to use with [Sonar GitLab plugin]( | `-Dsonar.gitlab.url=${CI_SERVER_URL} -Dsonar.gitlab.user_token=${SONAR_GITLAB_TOKEN} -Dsonar.gitlab.project_id=${CI_PROJECT_ID} -Dsonar.gitlab.commit_sha=${CI_COMMIT_SHA} -Dsonar.gitlab.ref_name=${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}` |
| `SONAR_AUTO_ON_DEV_DISABLED` | When set to `true`, SonarQube analysis becomes **manual** on development branches (automatic otherwise) | _none_ |
| `SONAR_QUALITY_GATE_ENABLED` | Set to `true` to enables check of SonarQube [Quality Gate]( | _none_ (disabled) |
#### Automatic Branch Analysis & Pull Request Analysis
By default, this template tries to auto-detect and use [Pull Request Analysis]( or [Branch Analysis]( (depending on the context).
Those is a great SonarQube features but it assumes one of the following conditions:
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* you are using a [Developer Edition]( version,
* or you are using Community Edition with an opensource plugin emulating those features, such as [sonarqube-community-branch-plugin](
If you're not in one of those cases, then you shall disable this feature by setting `SONAR_BRANCH_ANALYSIS_DISABLED`.

If you leave the feature enabled, if `SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN` is provided, the template will try to autodetect (using GitLab APIs) an opened merge request matching the current branch:

* If one is found, a SonarQube [Pull Request Analysis]( will be made.
* Otherwise, a simple [Branch Analysis]( is performed on the current branch.
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#### About Sonar GitLab plugin

The [Sonar GitLab plugin]( uses the GitLab APIs to inline comments
into your commits directly in GitLab for each new anomaly.

As explained above, this template automatically enables the Sonar GitLab plugin if `SONAR_GITLAB_TOKEN` is set.
It will then simply append the `SONAR_GITLAB_ARGS` (overridable) to the SonarQube analysis arguments.

Comments added to GitLab will appear as owned by the user associated to the GitLab [access token](

### `mvn-dependency-check` job

This job enables a manual [Dependency-Check](

It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                  | description                            | default value     |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ARGS` | Maven arguments for Dependency Check job | `org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:check -DretireJsAnalyzerEnabled=false -DassemblyAnalyzerEnabled=false` |

A Dependency Check is a quite long operation and therefore the job is configured to be ran __manually__ by default.

However, if you want to enable an automatic Dependency-Check scan, you will have to override the `rules` keyword for the `mvn-dependency-check` job.

Furthermore, if you want to upload Dependency-Check reports to SonarQube, you have to:

* Move `mvn-dependency-check` to the `build` stage
* Add `-Dformats=html,json,xml` to `MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ARGS` to output reports
    * HTML report to read the report on SonarQube UI
    * JSON report to create SonarQube issues from the report
    * XML report to import into DefectDojo security dashboard
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* Add `-Dsonar.dependencyCheck.htmlReportPath` and `-Dsonar.dependencyCheck.jsonReportPath` with the paths of the generated html and json reports to SonarQube arguments.

More info:

* [Maven Dependency-Check Plugin](

### `mvn-forbid-snapshot-dependencies` job

This job checks your project has release-only dependencies (no _snapshot_), using the [Maven Enforcer]( plugin.

Failure is allowed in feature branches.

It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                  | description                            | default value     |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `MVN_FORBID_SNAPSHOT_DEPENDENCIES_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_ |
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### `mvn-snapshot` &amp; `mvn-release` jobs

Those jobs are **disabled by default** and perform respectively:

* a [Maven deploy]( of your Java packages (jar, war or else),
* a [Maven release]( of your current branch.

They are bound to the `publish` stage, and use the following variables:

| Name                                | description                                                  | default value     |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
| `MAVEN_DEPLOY_ENABLED`              | Set to `true` to enable a publish jobs                            | _none_ (disabled) |
| `MAVEN_DEPLOY_FROM_UNPROTECTED_DISABLED`       | Set to `true` to limit snapshot publication to protected branches | _none_ (disabled) |
| `MAVEN_DEPLOY_ARGS`                 | Maven arguments for the Snapshot job                         | `deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true` |
| `MAVEN_RELEASE_ARGS`                | Maven arguments for the Release job                          | `release:prepare release:perform -Darguments=-Dmaven.test.skip=true` |
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| `MAVEN_RELEASE_SCM_COMMENT_PREFIX`  | Maven release plugin [scmCommentPrefix]( parameter  | `[ci skip][maven-release-plugin]` |
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| `MVN_SEMREL_RELEASE_DISABLED`  | Set to `true` to disable [semantic-release integration](#semantic-release-integration)   | _none_ (disabled) |
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More info:

* [Maven Deploy Plugin](
* [Maven Release Plugin](

#### `semantic-release` integration

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If you activate the [`semantic-release-info` job from the `semantic-release` template](, the `mvn-release` job will rely on the generated next version info.

* the release will only be performed if a next semantic release is present
* the version is passed to the maven release plugin as release version argument adding `-DreleaseVersion=${SEMREL_INFO_NEXT_VERSION}` to the `MAVEN_RELEASE_ARGS` value

:warning: Both maven release plugin and semantic-release use a dedicated tag format that need to be set accordingly.
By default maven release plugin uses `${artifactId}-${version}` and semantic-release uses `s${version}`
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For exemple you can modify the semantic-release tag format with the `SEMREL_TAG_FORMAT` variable (see [semantic-release template variables](

  SEMREL_TAG_FORMAT: "myArtifactId-$${version}"

Or you can [override the maven release plugin tag format](

Note: You can disable the `semantic-release` job (as it's the `mvn-release` job that will perform the release and so we only need the `semantic-release-info` job) with the `SEMREL_RELEASE_DISABLED` variable.


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Finally, the semantic-release integration can be disabled with the `MVN_SEMREL_RELEASE_DISABLED` variable.
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#### Maven repository authentication

Your Maven repository may require authentication credentials to publish artifacts.

You shall handle them in the following way:

1. define all required credentials as :lock: [project variables](,
2. make sure your `pom.xml` (or ancestor) [declares your `<repository>` and `<snapshotRepository>` with server **id**s in a `<distributionManagement>` section](,
3. in your `${MAVEN_CFG_DIR}/settings.xml` file, [define the repository servers credentials in the `<servers>` section](
  using the `${env.VARIABLE}` pattern (will be automatically evaluated and replaced by Maven).

**Example 1** (using the [GitLab Maven Repository](


<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->


    <!-- required when using GitLab's package registry to deploy -->
    <!-- see: -->
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**Example 2** (using an Artifactory repository with same credentials for snapshot &amp; release):


<!--... -->


      <name>Artifactory Maven 2 central repository mirror</name>

#### SCM authentication

A Maven release involves some Git push operations.

You can either use a ssh key or an authenticated and authorized Git user.

##### Using a SSH key

We recommend you to use a [project deploy key]( with write access to your project.

The key should not have a passphrase (see [how to generate a new SSH key pair](

Specify :lock: `$GIT_PRIVATE_KEY` as protected project variable with the private part of the deploy key.


The template handle both classic variable and file variable.

:warning: The scm connections in your pom.xml should use the ssh protocol


##### Using Git user authentication

Simply specify :lock: `$GIT_USERNAME` and :lock: `$GIT_PASSWORD` as protected project variables : they will be dynamically 
evaluated and appended to the Maven release arguments.

Note that the password should be an access token with `read_repository` and `write_repository` scopes.

:warning: The scm connections in your pom.xml should use the https protocol
