If you activate the [`semantic-release-info` job from the `semantic-release` template](https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/tbc/semantic-release/#semantic-release-info-job), the `mvn-release` job will rely on the generated next version info.
* the release will only be performed if a next semantic release is present
* the version is passed to the maven release plugin as release version argument adding `-DreleaseVersion=${SEMREL_INFO_NEXT_VERSION}` to the `MAVEN_RELEASE_ARGS` value
:warning: Both maven release plugin and semantic-release use a dedicated tag format that need to be set accordingly.
By default maven release plugin uses `${artifactId}-${version}` and semantic-release uses `s${version}`
For exemple you can modify the semantic-release tag format with the `SEMREL_TAG_FORMAT` variable (see [semantic-release template variables](https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/tbc/semantic-release/#variables)).
Or you can [override the maven release plugin tag format](http://maven.apache.org/maven-release/maven-release-plugin/examples/prepare-release.html#Overriding_the_default_tag_name_format).
Note: You can disable the `semantic-release` job (as it's the `mvn-release` job that will perform the release and so we only need the `semantic-release-info` job) with the `SEMREL_RELEASE_DISABLED` variable.
Finally, the semantic-release integration can be disable with the `MVN_SEMREL_RELEASE_DISABLED` variable.
#### Maven repository authentication
Your Maven repository may require authentication credentials to publish artifacts.