log_warn "The ./requirements.txt file does not match the ./reports/requirements.txt file generated via pip freeze. Make sure to include all dependencies with pinned versions in ./requirements.txt and re-commit the file."
log_warn "The ./requirements.txt file does not match the ./reports/requirements.txt file generated via pip freeze. Make sure to include all dependencies with pinned versions in ./requirements.txt and re-commit the file."
if [ $($python_trivy fs ${PYTHON_TRIVY_ARGS} --format table --exit-code 0 ./reports/ | grep -c "Number of language-specific files: 0") -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $($python_trivy fs ${PYTHON_TRIVY_ARGS} --format table --exit-code 0 ./reports/ 2>&1 | grep -ic "Number of language-specific files[^0-9]*0$" ) -eq 1 ]; then
log_error "Could not find a file listing all dependencies with their versions."
log_error "Could not find a file listing all dependencies with their versions."