| `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR/reports/py-trivy.trivy.json` | [JSON](https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy/latest/docs/vulnerability/examples/report/#json) | [DefectDojo integration](https://defectdojo.github.io/django-DefectDojo/integrations/parsers/#trivy)<br/>_This report is generated only if DefectDojo template is detected_ |
### `py-sbom` job
This job generates a [SBOM](https://cyclonedx.org/) file listing all dependencies using [syft](https://github.com/anchore/syft).
It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:
| `PYTHON_SBOM_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_ |
| `PYTHON_SBOM_SYFT_URL` | Url to the `tar.gz` package for `linux_amd64` of Syft to use (ex: `https://github.com/anchore/syft/releases/download/v0.62.3/syft_0.62.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz`)<br/>_When unset, the latest version will be used_ | _none_ |
| `PYTHON_SBOM_OPTS` | Options for syft used for SBOM analysis | `--catalogers python-index-cataloger` |
In addition to logs in the console, this job produces the following reports, kept for one week: