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Snippets Groups Projects


The objective of this repo is to provide guidance on how to enroll in the EMERALD project, or any other project that uses as a repository.

In order to enroll a project such as EMERALD, you need to follow the next steps:

We included a section for trouble shooting in case of sign-up or sign-in issues. Trouble shooting

Register in with orein

First of all you have to create an account in so that you can be added latter to a project. In order to create an account:

  • Access to Orein
  • Register account
  • Activate 2fa
    • Activate authenticator
    • Copy recovery codes
  • Confirm email
  • Login

To log in go to the root url of the gitlab repository htts:// as an external user or click Sign in if you are in another page ( i.e. ).

Anonym access

In both ways you will reach the login page.

Anonym login page

There you have three options to log in:

  • LDAP
  • Standard
  • Orein OpenID

As an external user you have to use the Orein OpenID option. Click on the Orein OpenID button and you will be redirected to the Orein login page.

Orein login page

Orein login page offers different options.

  1. Register an account on orein
  2. Login with an active account on orein
  3. Use an identity provider as
    • github
    • Google
    • Microsoft
    • Amazon
  4. Use a FIDO2
  5. Use a Tecnalia account
  6. And reocover the orein account password if you have forgotten it.

External users can use the first four options. we will address the registering process in this guide. Click on the Register (1) button.

Register Page

To register we require email and password with some complexity.

Password Complexity

Immediately, you are going to be asked to configure the 2FA two factor authentication. Which is mandatory for all users in


Following the instructions you should configure your Authenticator app. In this case we show the process with the Microsoft Authenticator app. But you can use any other app that supports the TOTP protocol such as Google Authenticator or Authy.


That number should be used to confirm the 2FA configuration.

2FA comfirm code

Once validated the 2FA you will be shown the recovery codes.

Recovery code

Important: Copy Authentication recovery codes in a secure place. These are required in case you lost the authenticator. The can be also used to login in case you have forgotten the password and you need to reset it.

2FA Configured Comfirm email (Beware of spam)

Comfirm email Confirmation page Spam

login to

To login using orein you have to click on the Orein OpenID button and you will be redirected to the Orein login page. There you have to use the first (2) option. The number 2 in the image below.

Orein login page

To login

Orein login page with data 2FA request

That will drive you to the welcome page or the group page where you have clicked the login button.

Welcome page

Request access to the project responsible

There are two ways to request access to the project.

  • Send an email to a project owner
  • Once you are logged in you can request access. Clicking the request access button.

Request Access

Trouble shooting

In case of sign-up or sign-in issues contact project owners at tecnalia.

Lost of Authenticator

In case you have lost the authenticator access your configuration page in orein.

Orein login page with data

After login you can be asked for the 2FA code. Use a recovery code as you have not the authenticator.

2FA request

Once you are in

Welcome to gitlab

Go to the account section in the profile menu.

Profile account

The configuration page you that bring you to the 2FA configuration.

2FA configuration

In this case as described in the Register a one-time password authenticatoryou have to first to Disable two-factor authentication (1) and then register again.


Following the procedure shown in the register in with orein. section. Do not forget to take note of the recovery codes.

2FA Success

Lost of the recovery codes

In case you have lost the recovery codes you can recover them from the the 2FA configuration.

2FA configuration

There you can Regenerate recovery codes (2) to create a new set of recovery codes.

Lost of the password

In case you have lost the password you can reconfigure it from the Orein login page.

Orein login page

In this case you have to click on the Forgot your password? (6) link. This will request your email.

Request password recovery

Forgot Password Confirmation

You will receive an email with a link to reset the password.

Reset mail

After you click on the link here you will be asked to set a new password.

Forward change form

From there, your request can be directly accepted.

Forward change form

From there, you will be forwarded to the login page. After login you can be asked for the 2FA code. In case you have lost the authenticator you can use the recovery codes.

2FA code request

Lost of authenticator and recovery codes

In case you have lost the authenticator and the recovery codes you can request a 2FA reset to your account by contacting the project owner at tecnalia.