  image: koalaman/shellcheck-alpine
  script: 'shellcheck deploy/base/ros_entrypoint.bash scripts/*sh'

# The ignored rules in hadolint checks are
# DL3006 Always tag the version of an image explicitly
#   One of the Dockerfiles uses a temporary image which isn't important to tag
#   and the other uses a tagged image through an ARG, which apparently is not
#   properly recognized.
# DL3008 Pin versions in apt-get install
#   A bit overkill
  image: hadolint/hadolint:latest-debian
    - RET=0
    - hadolint --ignore DL3006 --ignore DL3008 deploy/base/Dockerfile || RET=1
    - hadolint --ignore DL3006 --ignore DL3008 deploy/dev/Dockerfile || RET=1
    - exit $RET

  image: sdesbure/yamllint
  script: "yamllint $(find . \\( -name '*.yml' -o -name '*.yaml' \\))"