diff --git a/ci-templates/auto-rules/no-default.yml b/ci-templates/auto-rules/no-default.yml
index 011021ad9f51b2852300b57c1689e0f6135a9b1b..51bac7fddc7a9ac16db95fafe914314b44591be8 100644
--- a/ci-templates/auto-rules/no-default.yml
+++ b/ci-templates/auto-rules/no-default.yml
@@ -38,6 +38,26 @@ industrial_ci_noetic:
     - if: $DEFAULT_DISTRO == "noetic"
     - if: $BUILD_NOETIC
+  rules:
+    - if: $DEFAULT_DISTRO == "noetic"
+      when: always
+    - if: $BUILD_NOETIC
+      when: always
+  when: always
+  rules:
+    - if: $DEFAULT_DISTRO == "kinetic"
+      when: always
+    - if: $BUILD_KINETIC
+      when: always
+    - if: $DEFAULT_DISTRO == "melodic"
+      when: always
+    - if: $BUILD_MELODIC
+      when: always
   extends: .ddeploy
diff --git a/ci-templates/core.yml b/ci-templates/core.yml
index 8cacbee4740fe12f8807ca502a800f8fd3b1748f..2c198d191f6856a15b17e5383e150fe2eda4e4f2 100644
--- a/ci-templates/core.yml
+++ b/ci-templates/core.yml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ before_script:
   - ci-templates/syntax-check.yml
+  - ci-templates/python.yml
   - ci-templates/industrial-ci-templates.yml
diff --git a/ci-templates/python.yml b/ci-templates/python.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9d1082ded71b232508afbd63cfccfe5b9cdaf65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-templates/python.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+  stage: build
+  before_script: ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m pip -q install flake8
+  script: ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics --show-source .
+  stage: .post
+  before_script:
+    - ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m pip install flake8 flake8-isort flake8-builtins
+    # The following flake8 extensions only work on python3
+    - ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m pip install flake8-eradicate flake8-functions-names flake8-return flake8-functions || true
+  script: ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics --show-source .
+  allow_failure: true
+  stage: .post
+  before_script:
+    - ${PYTHON_VERSION} -m pip install bandit safety
+  script:
+    - bandit -r . || RET=1
+    - safety check || RET=1
+    - exit $RET
+  when: always
+  allow_failure: true
+  image: python:3-alpine
+  variables:
+    PYTHON_VERSION: python3
+  when: never
+  image: python:2-alpine
+  variables:
+    PYTHON_VERSION: python2
+  when: always
+    extends:
+      - .flake8_template
+      - .py3_template
+    extends:
+      - .flake8_template
+      - .py2_template
+    extends:
+      - .flake8_extended_template
+      - .py3_template
+    extends:
+      - .flake8_extended_template
+      - .py2_template
+    extends:
+      - .security_template
+      - .py3_template
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-templates/syntax-check.yml b/ci-templates/syntax-check.yml
index 3c413c258e9a4392bc67d8d081558080174dc748..f83449568e237e8d818330ee5fb02e446b84b1a4 100644
--- a/ci-templates/syntax-check.yml
+++ b/ci-templates/syntax-check.yml
@@ -15,45 +15,6 @@ clang_format:
   when: always
-## Several Python checks
-    stage: .post
-    image: python:3-alpine
-    before_script:
-        - pip3 install flake8
-    script:
-        - flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics --show-source .
-    tags:
-        - docker
-    when: always
-    stage: .post
-    image: python:3-alpine
-    before_script:
-        - pip3 install flake8 flake8-isort flake8-builtins flake8-eradicate flake8-functions-names flake8-return flake8-functions
-    script:
-        - flake8 --max-line-length 120 --statistics --show-source .
-    tags:
-        - docker
-    when: always
-    allow_failure: true
-    stage: .post
-    image: python:3-alpine
-    before_script:
-        - pip3 install bandit safety
-    script:
-        - bandit -r . || RET=1
-        - safety check || RET=1
-        - exit $RET
-    tags:
-        - docker
-    when: always
 ## Check for errors in bash/sh scripts
 ## Uses https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck