diff --git a/ci-templates/industrial-ci-templates.yml b/ci-templates/industrial-ci-templates.yml
index 4ab2d62ce61d01deef395e51e87b1a0648212902..a8ef12a5a652a3df3ceb2149b2e3d9cb73a9bc0c 100644
--- a/ci-templates/industrial-ci-templates.yml
+++ b/ci-templates/industrial-ci-templates.yml
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     DDEPLOY_YAML: ddeploy.yaml
-    - apk add --update python3 git py3-pip git-lfs
+    - apk add --update python3 git py3-pip git-lfs bash curl jq
     # forward the SSH authentication into the Docker executor
     - "which ssh-agent || ( apk update && apk add openssh-client )"
     - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     - ddeploy --yaml ${DDEPLOY_YAML}
     # Get ID of image created by ddeploy
     - 'DOCKER_ID=$(docker images --format="{{.ID}}" | head -1)'
+    - curl -Ls https://git.code.tecnalia.com/tecnalia_robotics-public/gitlab_templates/raw/master/scripts/enforce_labels.bash | bash -s -- ${DOCKER_ID}
     # Tag and push with the branch or tag name.
diff --git a/scripts/enforce_labels.bash b/scripts/enforce_labels.bash
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0ab26de089cee76c817dafde9c98025964bae9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/enforce_labels.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# From a given list of labels, check which of them are already defined in the provided docker image; if any of the labels
+# is not defined, a new image with the same name is generated with the label(s) added.
+# Labels already defined are not modified.
+if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
+    echo "Usage: $0 IMAGE_NAME"
+    exit 1
+# list of labels to be enforced
+declare -A enforced_labels=( ["com.jfrog.artifactory.retention.maxCount"]="10" ["com.jfrog.artifactory.retention.maxDays"]="7")
+if ! docker inspect --type=image "$1" > /dev/null ; then
+    echo "Error: image does not exist"
+    exit 0
+# check if every label is defined
+for label in "${!enforced_labels[@]}" ; do
+    if ! docker inspect -f "{{json .Config.Labels }}" "$image_name" | jq -e '.['\""$label"\"']' > /dev/null ; then
+        echo "Key not found"
+        echo "$label = ${enforced_labels[$label]}"
+        # add missing label to the arguments to be provided to `docker build`
+        label_args+=" --label $label=\"${enforced_labels[$label]}\""
+    fi
+# generate new image
+if [ -n "${label_args+x}" ]; then
+    run_command="echo \"FROM $image_name\" | docker build $label_args -t $image_name -"
+    eval "$run_command"