spec: inputs: extract-script-job-tags: description: tags to filter applicable runners for extract-script build job type: array default: [] --- variables: # base image used to extract the shell script part from TBC templates TBC_EXTRACT_IMAGE: registry.hub.docker.com/library/alpine # this job extracts the bash script from the given template(s) extract-script: image: $TBC_EXTRACT_IMAGE stage: .pre script: - echo "#!/bin/bash" > script.sh - sed -n '/BEGSCRIPT/,/ENDSCRIPT/p' "$GITLAB_CI_FILES" | sed 's/^ //' >> script.sh - export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 artifacts: when: always name: extracted template script expire_in: 1h paths: - script.sh rules: # enabled if $GITLAB_CI_FILES is set - if: $GITLAB_CI_FILES tags: $[[ inputs.extract-script-job-tags ]]