  "name": "Docker",
  "description": "Build, check and inspect your containers with [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)",
  "template_path": "templates/gitlab-ci-docker.yml",
  "kind": "package",
  "prefix": "docker",
  "is_component": true,
  "variables": [
      "name": "DOCKER_BUILD_TOOL",
      "type": "enum",
      "values": ["kaniko", "buildah", "dind"],
      "description": "The build tool to use for building container image",
      "default": "kaniko"
      "name": "DOCKER_KANIKO_IMAGE",
      "description": "The image used to run kaniko\n\n_for kaniko build only_",
      "default": "gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug"
      "name": "DOCKER_BUILDAH_IMAGE",
      "description": "The image used to run buildah\n\n_for buildah build only_",
      "default": "quay.io/buildah/stable:latest"
      "name": "DOCKER_IMAGE",
      "description": "The image used to run the docker client\n\n_for Docker-in-Docker(dind) build only_",
      "default": "registry.hub.docker.com/library/docker:latest"
      "name": "DOCKER_DIND_IMAGE",
      "description": "The image used to run the Docker daemon\n\n_for Docker-in-Docker(dind) build only_",
      "default": "registry.hub.docker.com/library/docker:dind"
      "name": "DOCKER_SKOPEO_IMAGE",
      "description": "The image used to publish docker image with Skopeo",
      "default": "quay.io/skopeo/stable:latest"
      "name": "DOCKER_FILE",
      "description": "The path to your `Dockerfile`",
      "default": "Dockerfile"
      "name": "DOCKER_CONTEXT_PATH",
      "description": "The Docker [context path](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#build-with-path) (working directory) - _only set if you want a context path different from the Dockerfile location_",
      "advanced": true
      "name": "DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE",
      "description": "Path to the [Docker configuration file](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cli/#sample-configuration-file) (JSON)",
      "default": ".docker/config.json",
      "advanced": true
      "name": "DOCKER_SNAPSHOT_IMAGE",
      "description": "Docker snapshot image",
      "default": "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/snapshot:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
      "name": "DOCKER_RELEASE_IMAGE",
      "description": "Docker release image",
      "description": "Defines the image tag pattern that `$DOCKER_RELEASE_IMAGE` should match to push extra tags (supports capturing groups)\n\nDefaults to [SemVer](https://semver.org/) pattern.",
      "default": "^v?(?P<major>[0-9]+)\\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)\\.(?P<patch>[0-9]+)(?P<suffix>(?P<prerelease>-[0-9A-Za-z-\\.]+)?(?P<build>\\+[0-9A-Za-z-\\.]+)?)$",
      "advanced": true
      "description": "Defines extra tags to publish the _release_ image\n\nSupports capturing group references from `$DOCKER_RELEASE_EXTRA_TAGS_PATTERN` (ex: `latest \\g<major>.\\g<minor> \\g<major>`)",
      "advanced": true
      "name": "DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS",
      "description": "Additional docker/kaniko/buildah build arguments.\n\n_If values contain spaces, ensure any required quote are correctly escaped when needed (not supported for Kaniko)_"
      "name": "DOCKER_METADATA",
      "description": "Additional metadata to set as labels.\n\nIf values contain spaces, ensure any required quote are correctly escaped when needed (not supported for Kaniko)_",
      "default": "--label \"org.opencontainers.image.url=${CI_PROJECT_URL}\" --label \"org.opencontainers.image.source=${CI_PROJECT_URL}\" --label \"org.opencontainers.image.title=${CI_PROJECT_PATH}\" --label \"org.opencontainers.image.ref.name=${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\" --label \"org.opencontainers.image.revision=${CI_COMMIT_SHA}\" --label \"org.opencontainers.image.created=${CI_JOB_STARTED_AT}\"",
      "advanced": true
      "name": "DOCKER_PUBLISH_ARGS",
      "description": "Additional [`skopeo copy` arguments](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/blob/master/docs/skopeo-copy.1.md#options)"
      "description": "Defines the publish to production strategy.",
      "type": "enum",
      "values": ["none", "manual", "auto"],
      "default": "manual"
      "description": "Disable integration with the [semantic release template](https://gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/semantic-release/)",
      "type": "boolean"
      "description": "URL of a Docker registry mirror to use instead of default `https://index.docker.io`\n\n_Used by `kaniko` and `dind` builds only_"
      "description": "The [registries.conf](https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/manage-container-registries) configuration to be used\n\n_Used by the `buildah` build only_",
      "advanced": true
      "description": "Snapshot image repository that will be used to store cached layers (leave empty to use default: snapshot image repository + `/cache`)\n\n_Used by the `kaniko` build only_",
      "advanced": true
      "description": "Set to `true` to disable the build cache.",
      "type": "boolean",
      "advanced": true
  "features": [
      "id": "hadolint",
      "name": "Hadolint",
      "description": "This job performs a [Lint](https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint) on your `Dockerfile`.",
      "disable_with": "DOCKER_HADOLINT_DISABLED",
      "variables": [
          "name": "DOCKER_HADOLINT_IMAGE",
          "description": "The docker image to lint your Dockerfile with Hadolint",
          "default": "registry.hub.docker.com/hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine"
          "name": "DOCKER_HADOLINT_ARGS",
          "description": "Additional `hadolint` arguments",
          "advanced": true
      "id": "healthcheck",
      "name": "Health Check",
      "description": "[Health Check](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck) image analysis",
      "disable_with": "DOCKER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED",
      "variables": [
          "type": "number",
          "description": "When testing an image, how long (in seconds) wait for the HealthCheck status",
          "default": "60",
          "advanced": true
          "description": "Docker options for health check such as port mapping, environment...",
          "advanced": true
          "description": "Arguments sent to the running container for health check",
          "advanced": true
      "id": "trivy",
      "name": "Trivy",
      "description": "[Trivy](https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy) vulnerability analysis",
      "disable_with": "DOCKER_TRIVY_DISABLED",
      "variables": [
          "name": "DOCKER_TRIVY_IMAGE",
          "description": "The docker image used to scan images with Trivy",
          "default": "registry.hub.docker.com/aquasec/trivy:latest",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "DOCKER_TRIVY_ADDR",
          "type": "url",
          "description": "The Trivy server address"
          "type": "enum",
          "description": "Severities of vulnerabilities to be displayed (comma separated values: `UNKNOWN`, `LOW`, `MEDIUM`, `HIGH`, `CRITICAL`)",
          "name": "DOCKER_TRIVY_ARGS",
          "description": "Additional `trivy client` arguments",
          "default": "--ignore-unfixed --vuln-type os --exit-on-eol 1",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "DOCKER_TRIVY_DB_REPOSITORY",
          "description": "OCI repository to retrieve Trivy Database from",
          "advanced": true
          "description": "OCI repository to retrieve Trivy Java Database from",
          "advanced": true
      "id": "sbom",
      "name": "Software Bill of Materials",
      "description": "This job generates a file listing all dependencies using [syft](https://github.com/anchore/syft)",
      "disable_with": "DOCKER_SBOM_DISABLED",
      "variables": [
          "name": "DOCKER_SBOM_IMAGE",
          "default": "registry.hub.docker.com/anchore/syft:debug"
          "name": "DOCKER_SBOM_OPTS",
          "description": "Options for syft used for SBOM analysis",
          "default": "--override-default-catalogers rpm-db-cataloger,alpm-db-cataloger,apk-db-cataloger,dpkg-db-cataloger,portage-cataloger",
          "advanced": true
  "variants": [
      "id": "vault",
      "name": "Vault",
      "description": "Retrieve secrets from a [Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/) server",
      "template_path": "templates/gitlab-ci-docker-vault.yml",
      "variables": [
          "name": "TBC_VAULT_IMAGE",
          "description": "The [Vault Secrets Provider](https://gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/vault-secrets-provider) image to use",
          "default": "registry.gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/vault-secrets-provider:latest",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "VAULT_BASE_URL",
          "description": "The Vault server base API url",
          "mandatory": true
          "name": "VAULT_OIDC_AUD",
          "description": "The `aud` claim for the JWT",
          "default": "$CI_SERVER_URL"
          "name": "VAULT_ROLE_ID",
          "description": "The [AppRole](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/approle) RoleID",
          "mandatory": true,
          "secret": true
          "name": "VAULT_SECRET_ID",
          "description": "The [AppRole](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/auth/approle) SecretID",
          "mandatory": true,
          "secret": true
      "id": "gcp",
      "name": "Google Cloud",
      "description": "Retrieves a registry authentication for the Google Cloud's [Artifact Registry](https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry)",
      "template_path": "templates/gitlab-ci-docker-gcp.yml",
      "variables": [
          "name": "TBC_GCP_PROVIDER_IMAGE",
          "description": "The [GCP Auth Provider](https://gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/gcp-auth-provider) image to use",
          "default": "registry.gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/gcp-auth-provider:latest",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "GCP_OIDC_AUD",
          "description": "The `aud` claim for the JWT token _(only required for [OIDC authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/aws/))_",
          "default": "$CI_SERVER_URL",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "GCP_OIDC_ACCOUNT",
          "description": "Default Service Account to which impersonate with OpenID Connect authentication"
          "name": "GCP_OIDC_PROVIDER",
          "description": "Default Workload Identity Provider associated with GitLab to [authenticate with OpenID Connect](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/google_cloud/)"
          "name": "GCP_SNAPSHOT_OIDC_ACCOUNT",
          "description": "Service Account to use to push the snapshot image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "GCP_SNAPSHOT_OIDC_PROVIDER",
          "description": "Workload Identity Provider to push the snapshot image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "GCP_RELEASE_OIDC_ACCOUNT",
          "description": "Service Account to use to push the release image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "GCP_RELEASE_OIDC_PROVIDER",
          "description": "Workload Identity Provider to push the release image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
      "id": "ecr",
      "name": "Amazon ECR",
      "description": "Retrieves a registry authentication for the Amazon's [Elastic Container Registry](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ecr/)",
      "template_path": "templates/gitlab-ci-docker-ecr.yml",
      "variables": [
          "name": "TBC_AWS_PROVIDER_IMAGE",
          "description": "The [AWS Auth Provider](https://gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/aws-auth-provider) image to use",
          "default": "registry.gitlab.com/to-be-continuous/tools/aws-auth-provider:latest",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_REGION",
          "description": "Default region (where the ECR registry is located)"
          "name": "AWS_SNAPSHOT_REGION",
          "description": "Region of the ECR registry for the snapshot image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_RELEASE_REGION",
          "description": "Region of the ECR registry for the release image _(only define to override default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_OIDC_AUD",
          "description": "The `aud` claim for the JWT token _(only required for [OIDC authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/aws/))_",
          "default": "$CI_SERVER_URL",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_OIDC_ROLE_ARN",
          "description": "Default IAM Role ARN associated with GitLab _(only required for [OIDC authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/aws/))_"
          "name": "AWS_SNAPSHOT_OIDC_ROLE_ARN",
          "description": "IAM Role ARN associated with GitLab for the snapshot image _(only required for [OIDC authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/aws/) and if different from default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_RELEASE_OIDC_ROLE_ARN",
          "description": "IAM Role ARN associated with GitLab for the release image _(only required for [OIDC authentication](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/aws/) and if different from default)_",
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
          "description": "Default access key ID (only required for basic authentication)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
          "description": "Default secret access key (only required for basic authentication)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_SNAPSHOT_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
          "description": "Access key ID for the snapshot image (only required for basic authentication and if different from default)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true
          "description": "Secret access key for the snapshot image (only required for basic authentication and if different from default)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_RELEASE_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
          "description": "Access key ID for the release image (only required for basic authentication and if different from default)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true
          "name": "AWS_RELEASE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
          "description": "Secret access key for the release image (only required for basic authentication and if different from default)",
          "secret": true,
          "advanced": true