# Evidence Collector This project includes modules for collecting evidence regarding Wazuh and VAT. ## Wazuh evidence collector Wazuh evidence collector uses [Wazuh's API](https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/user-manual/api/reference.html) to access information about manager's and agents' system informations and configurations. As an additional measure to ensure correct configuration of [ClamAV](https://www.clamav.net/) (if installed on machine) we also make use of [Elasticsearch's API](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search.html) to dirrectly access collected logs - Elastic stack is one of the Wazuh's required components (usually installed on the same machine as Wazuh server, but can be stand alone as well). ## Installation & use ### Using docker: 1. Set up your Wazuh development environment. Use [Security Monitoring](https://gitlab.xlab.si/medina/security-monitoring) repository to create and deploy Vagrant box with all required components. 2. Clone this repository. 3. Build Docker image: ``` docker build -t evidence-collector . ``` 4. Run the image: ``` docker run evidence-collector ``` > Note: Current simple image runs code from `test.py`. If you wish to test anything else, change this file or edit `Dockerfile`. ### Local environment: 1. Set up your Wazuh development environment. Use [Security Monitoring](https://gitlab.xlab.si/medina/security-monitoring) repository to create and deploy Vagrant box with all required components. 2. Clone this repository. 3. Install dependencies: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 4. Run `test.py`: ``` python3 test.py ``` > Note: This repository consists of multiple modules. When running code manually, use of `-m` flag might be necessary. ### API User authentication Current implementation has disabled SSL certificate verification & uses simple username/password verification (defined inside `/constants/constants.py`). Production version should change this with cert verification. ### Manual Elasticsearch API testin with cURL Example command for testing the API via CLI: ``` curl --user admin:changeme --insecure -X GET "*/_search?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' {"query": { "bool": { "must": [{"match": {"predecoder.program_name": "clamd"}}, {"match": {"rule.description": "Clamd restarted"}}, {"match": {"agent.id": "001"}}] } } }' ``` ## Known issues ### Python Elasticsearch library problems with ODFE Latest versions (`7.14.0` & `7.15.0`) of Python Elasticsearch library have problems connecting to Open Distro for Elasticsearch and produce the following error when trying to do so: ``` elasticsearch.exceptions.UnsupportedProductError: The client noticed that the server is not a supported distribution of Elasticsearch ``` To resolve this, downgrade to older package version: ``` pip install 'elasticsearch<7.14.0' ```