{ "metrics": [ { "id": "ActivityLoggingEnabled", "name": "ActivityLoggingEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if activity logs are enabled for the cloud service/asset.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "AnomalyDetectionEnabled", "name": "AnomalyDetectionEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if Anomaly Detection is enabled for the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "ApplicationLoggingEnabled", "name": "ApplicationLoggingEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if Application logs are enabled for the cloud service/asset.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "AutomaticUpdatesEnabled", "name": "AutomaticUpdatesEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if automatic updates are enabled for the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "AutomaticUpdatesInterval", "name": "AutomaticUpdatesInterval", "description": "This metric is used to assess the update interval of automatic updates for the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "METRIC", "range": { "minMax": { "min": "1", "max": "365" } } }, { "id": "BackupEnabled", "name": "BackupEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if backups are enabled for a cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "BackupRetentionSet", "name": "BackupRetentionSet", "description": "This metric is used to assess the configured backup retention (days) on a cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "METRIC", "range": { "minMax": { "min": "0", "max": "99999999" } } }, { "id": "BootLoggingEnabled", "name": "BootLoggingEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if Boot logs are enabled for the cloud service/asset.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "BootLoggingRetention", "name": "BootLoggingRetention", "description": "This metric is used to assess the configured log retention (days) on a cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "METRIC", "range": { "minMax": { "min": "0", "max": "99" } } }, { "id": "JavaVersion", "name": "JavaVersion", "description": "This metric is used to assess the Java Runtime version used by the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "NOMINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ "< 11", "11" ] } } }, { "id": "L3FirewallEnabled", "name": "L3FirewallEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if a service-level ACL has been enabled on a cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "MalwareProtectionEnabled", "name": "MalwareProtectionEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if the antimalware solution is enabled on the respective resource.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "MalwareProtectionOutput", "name": "MalwareProtectionOutput", "description": "This metric states whether automatic notifications are enabled (e.g. e-mail) about malware threats. This relates to EUCS’ definition of “continuous monitoringâ€.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "NumberOfThreatsFound", "name": "NumberOfThreatsFound", "description": "This metric is used to assess if the antimalware solution reports no irregularities.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "METRIC", "range": { "minMax": { "min": "0", "max": "99999999" } } }, { "id": "OSLoggingEnabled", "name": "OSLoggingEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if OS logs are enabled for the cloud service/asset.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "OSLoggingRetention", "name": "OSLoggingRetention", "description": "This metric is used to assess the configured log retention (days) on a cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "METRIC", "range": { "minMax": { "min": "0", "max": "99" } } }, { "id": "PHPVersion", "name": "PHPVersion", "description": "This metric is used to assess the PHP version used by the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "NOMINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ "< 7.4", "7.4" ] } } }, { "id": "PythonVersion", "name": "PythonVersion", "description": "This metric is used to assess the Python version used by the cloud service/asset", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "NOMINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ "< 3.8", "3.8" ] } } }, { "id": "TLSVersion", "name": "TLSVersion", "description": "This metric is used to assess if state-of-the-art encryption protocols are used for traffic served from public networks.", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3" ] } } }, { "id": "TransportEncryptionEnabled", "name": "TransportEncryptionEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if the cloud service/asset accepts encrypted connections", "category": "Cryptography and key management", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "TransportEncryptionEnforced", "name": "TransportEncryptionEnforced", "description": "This metric is used to assess if the cloud service/asset enforces encrypted connections ", "category": "Cryptography and key management", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } }, { "id": "WebApplicationFirewallEnabled", "name": "WebApplicationFirewallEnabled", "description": "This metric is used to assess if a cloud service/asset has enabled WAF functionalities", "category": "Operational Security", "scale": "ORDINAL", "range": { "order": { "values": [ false, true ] } } } ], "nextPageToken": "" }