      "title":"Across UJSE",
      "description":"Api Documentation",
         "name":"Apache 2.0",
            "summary":"update workflow trust label",


            "summary":"delete a Workflow giving workflowId",
                  "description":"No Content",


            "summary":"rename workflow name",




                  "description":"No Content",


                  "description":"No Content",




            "summary":"kill a workflow",
                  "description":"No Content",


                  "description":"Not Found",


                           "json file"
                           "json file":{


            "summary":"execute step",
                              "description":"Step input data",


            "summary":"create a new workflow instance",
                  "description":"No Content",


            "summary":"get logs with no pagination",


            "summary":"save log",
                  "description":"No Content",


                  "description":"Not Found",


            "summary":"get workflow trust label",
                  "description":"No Content",
                  "description":"No Content",
                  "description":"No Content",


            "summary":"get list of workflow instances of a user",


            "summary":"get an existing workflow instance",


            "summary":"get service info",


            "summary":"get statiscs info",


            "summary":"get logs with pagination",


            "summary":"delete a workflowInstance",
                  "description":"No Content",

