# User Journey Services Engine

The User Journey Services Engine (UJSE) can installed via docker compose. The composition includes:
- A PostgreSQL database.
- The UJSE with its HTTP API.

The HTTP API offered by the UJSE is specified [here](https://git.code.tecnalia.com/across/public/user-journey-service-delivery/user-journey-services-engine/ujse_openapi.yaml).

## Installation requirements
UJSE requires the following ACROSS components to be already installed:

- [Transparency Dashboard Backend](https://git.code.tecnalia.com/across/public/citizen-front-end/transparency-dashboard/transparency-dashboard-ui): to get the list of given consents by each citizen and the status of them.
- [Usage Control](https://git.code.tecnalia.com/across/public/citizen-data-ownership-and-usage-control/usage-control/Usagecontrol): to do the enforcement of the usage policies defined by the citizen  

To install the project, you need to have Docker and Docker-compose installed on your machine. If you don't have it, you can install it by following the instructions on the official Docker website.

## Installation
Clone this repository:

``` bash
git clone https://git.code.tecnalia.com/across/public/user-journey-service-delivery/user-journey-services-engine.git

Create and start the containers specified in the docker-compose.yml file:

``` bash
docker-compose up -d

## License

Read the [license file](./LICENSE) for more information.